When you feel different. As if while you slept. You were remade.
You awaken to the same.
Same place.
Same room
Same people.
Same situation.
Is not the same.
How you feel.
What you thought you knew.
What you want.
Has changed completely.
If I had to name it.
I would call it "The Awakening."
A pivital point in life where you realize that you want to change direction.
Whatever the reason...
Maybe you were headed down the wrong path.
Maybe what you desired yesterday.
Is not what you want today.
Maybe you had a calling
Or an experience.
Whatever the case.
Awakenings can be scary.
The unknown is always terrifying.
Call me crazy.
It's the most exciting moment in life.
Being forced out of your comfort zone, and challenged to use your power to create a favorable outcome in a way that only you can do.
Is a thrilling and beautiful time.
Though fragile.
The slightest sign of prevention, can create doubt and ever evolving reasons why you should ignore your plan and stick with what you know.
But this is what I know.
I call it an awakening for a reason.
Because it is the moment when you leave what you thought you should be.
To become what you truly are.
Awakenings are work.
Hard work.
You see the vision
Changed the mission.
And mapped a whole new plan.
Believing in yourself is life changing.
Betting on yourself is fulfilling.
Awakenings are the beginning of a whole new world.
One made to be explored.
A life designed for you.
If you are waiting for your awakening....
Rest assure it's coming!
You will know when it does.
If you are already on your path and redefining your purpose.
I want to personally congratulate you!
Life was made to be lived.
Rules were made to be challenged.
Dreams were made to come true.
And you were made to be YOU.
And this world needs you.😉
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