A note to Calista

Dear Calista,

My biggest fear is that history will repeat itself.
That one day life will look at you and see strength
and choose to test your strength by exposing you to pain.
I know suffering is inevitable.
Though I have dedicated my life to protecting you
There will come a day
when not even I can save you from disappointment.
Fear not my love
You are covered!
Created by the blood of a long line of strong women
You are made with love.
If there is one thing I have learned on this earth
It is that our futures cannot be planned
No matter how hard we try
Nothing is ever certain
So what does that tell you?
If for any reason
I will not be around to see you transform into a woman
If for any  reason  you will not have immediate access to me
Let me share my wish for you now
Based on my experiences
There is nothing I want more for you
than to walk in the beat of your own path
Create your own definitions of life
Design your own style
Be the oddball
Embarrass yourself
Do exactly what you want to do
Even if you fail
Just so you can never say
you didn't try
May you never spend a moment
wondering "what if"
I share this with you
because I have spent years
searching for signs
contact, and directions of any kind from my mother
During every obstacle I faced
I wondered: what would she have done?
On occasions if I was lucky
she would visit me in my dreams.
We would have conversations
talk as if she had never left.
Those dreams have value to me
They mean something to me
You are so young right now sweet Calista
You have no idea
You are totally unaware of what is getting ready to happen to you
Surgery is a big deal
The type of surgery you are preparing for is scary
To have your face cut into
To have your jaw broken
I will not lie baby girl
I am scared
Not that I doubt your strength
I made you
I know what you are capable of
I am just not prepared to see you in pain
I never will be
But as your mother before you
who has endured open heart surgery
and survived
So shall you
I guess in this case
history will repeat itself
I know you will have battle scars
Just like me
One day you will be criticized about your appearance
But remember
I named you Calista for a reason
the name Calista is greek
and it means: Most beautiful!
You are the most beautiful!
You have to be!
It is your name
SO no matter what life throws at you
no matter what happens to you
no matter how often life changes
A few things will always remain
You will always be beautiful
You will always survive
You will always be a part of a legacy
But most importantly
Never forget this
You will always
